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Reading to the Redwoods: Monday, Oct. 6 2014 (11:00AM)

On Monday, October 6th 2014, at 11:00 AM, I’ll be giving a reading at/to the grove of redwoods (see photo) approximately 2.5 miles from Waddell Beach following the Skyline to Sea Trail in Big Basin Redwoods State Park. I came across this grove on a hike in September 2012, and I’ve been looking for an excuse to return.

Reading from my new collection Field Study at this spot will be a way to physically connect some of the poems in the book to the place that inspired them. Last year, I gave a reading with Jessica Baran underneath the St. Louis Arch and ended up reading a number of poems relating to or speaking directly to the Mississippi River, which flows in the Arch's shadow. It was an almost spiritual experience for me, and I’m hoping to get a similar feeling from this reading.

If a couple people actually find the spot at the right time, great. If it ends up just me and Regina, that’s great too. I’ll be packing light (a few books, some water, maybe a light snack), and the reading will go on no matter what—rain or shine. I’ll be parking along the PCH around 10:00 AM and heading up through Rancho Del Oso to the trailhead.

Here’s a link to a .pdf of the Big Basin Trail Map.

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