Featured Event: Travis Mossotti & Justin Phillip Reed (Prose|Poem Interactive, Tues., Feb 17 @7PM)
February 17, 2015, 7:00 pm: Travis Mossotti & Justin Phillip Reed
Prose|Poem Interactive Reading Series
Stone Spiral Gallery
2506 Sutton Blvd.
Maplewood, MO 63143
Free and open to the public
About the poets: TRAVIS MOSSOTTI was awarded the 2011 May Swenson Poetry Award for his first collection of poems About the Dead (USU Press, 2011), and his second collection Field Study won the 2013 Melissa Lanitis Gregory Poetry Prize (Bona Fide Books, 2014). Mossotti has also published two chapbooks, and recent poems of his have appeared in issues of the Antioch Review, Beloit Poetry Journal, Southern Review, and elsewhere.
JUSTIN PHILLIP REED attends the MFA program at Washington University in St. Louis. His poems are forthcoming or appear most recently in Vinyl Poetry, joINT., Boston Review, PLUCK!, and Muzzle. YesYes Books will release his chapbook,A History of Flamboyance, in September 2015. He was born and raised in South Carolina.
The Prose|Poem reading event series is curated and hosted by Sarah Kuntz Jones. The concept was inspired by panels she attended at AWP 2014, an opportunity funded by a Regional Arts Commission Artists Support Grant.